We welcome the ongoing support of our community in our efforts to help people make life and legacy-changing shifts through healing, connection and empowerment.
Many of our 1:1 and group coaching clients engage with our world-class guidance and support independently. Many more engage with us by way of the dynamic content we provide for free or at a reduced investment level.
One of the offerings that is near and dear to my heart at this time is what I consider to be the sacred work of helping parents to school-aged children be the calm, confident and heart-centered people they want to be WITHOUT losing a sense of themselves and their sanity in the process.
We need your help to forward this mission.
Your support will help make it possible for us to:
Offer scholarships
Complete production on the much anticipated "Teach Me How to Love Podcast"
Fortify support for our admin team
Offset the cost for use of the tech that powers our online teaching platform
Inside the Empowered and Peaceful Parenting Collective and custom program iterations inspired by it, we believe that love, learning and whole-being wellness begin at home. It is our honor to help bring awareness and skill to mindfully navigating that enduring truth.
Thank you for sowing good seeds into this good soil!