Are you a leader in your home, school, business or community with a strong desire to feel calmer, more confident, clearer, more courageous and more cared for as you build and sustain the culture of your home, school, business or community?
Tired of breaking up (or causing) so many fights, not knowing where to begin to move your good and needful work forward in a healthy way, not having the right words to say, feeling lost, helpless, overwhelmed, depleted or out of control?
Ready to build a mutually supportive home, school, business or community culture that allows you to relate better to yourself and to others, make progress in your endeavors and realize a greater sense of inner and overall balance and ease?
You take your journeying in this life and the roles you find yourself in seriously. You want to move through all of it--the highs, the lows and everything in between--with wisdom, power, grace and deep connection.